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Seventy five percent of SMEs surveyed said their customers aremoreinterested in receiving their goods as as possible ratherthanin sustainable shopping. A similar number, 73%, thoughtthatreceiving goods as cheaply as possible is more importanttocustomers. Insights from consumers show the reality isverydifferent.
The What’sNext in E-Commerce survey polled SMEsand consumersin 11 markets in the Asia Pacific, Middle East, andAfrica region(AMEA) in July 2022. The poll explored the continuingevolution ofe-commerce in the region and identified trends thatcould fueltheir future growth.
Key Finding: Consumers want both sustainability and speed
The accelerated growth of e-commerce during the COVID-19pandemicoccurred as consumer concerns over the environmentcontinued togrow. For a significant number of consumers, the futureof theplanet is top of mind, and they do not want to compromise –theywant both sustainability and speedy delivery. Across theregion,67% of those surveyed expressed as much interest inreceiving theirgoods as they did in the sustainability of theonlineshopping process.
Consumers in Vietnam, Thailand, and South Korea placed thegreatestpriority on sustainability over delivery speed.Conversely,consumers in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia are morelikely tofocus on delivery lead time.
The research shows that eight out of 10 consumers in AMEAexpectthe e-commerce companies they buy from to pursuesustainablebusiness models. Seven out of 10 prefer to buy fromcompanies withan effective environmental, social and governance(ESG) strategy inplace – but only 29% of SMEs actually have one.SMEs acknowledgethat consumers expect them to run sustainablebusinesses, but many(68%) either fear the associated costs or areunconvinced that anyinvestment in this area will produce areturn.