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UPS (NYSE: UPS) today announced that about 1,500 PackageExpressCenters locations will join the UPS Access Point® networkin2020.
The collaboration adds new UPS Access Point® locationsprimarilylocated in about 1,500 rural cities and towns across theU.Soffering the convenience of one-stop, package pickup anddrop-offservices. These small businesses enjoy increased foottraffic andcustomers get increased options to receive and drop offpackageswhen and where it is convenient. In some communities,PackageExpress Centers are the only shipping option within as manyas 50miles, allowing them to serve as community hubs.
In turn, UPS expands the number of locations where consumersandsmall business can gain access to UPS® shipping anddeliveryservices. Coverage is expanding so that 92 percent of theU.S.population will be within five miles of a UPS AccessPointlocation.
“We are extending the reach of our UPS Access Point networkintorural and super-rural locations: areas that have beenunderservedin the e-commerce era and don’t always have access tofull-serviceshipping services,” said Kevin Warren, UPS’s chiefmarketingofficer. “This collaboration will give these consumersmuch-neededchoice, control and convenience over their packagedeliveries andmerchandise returns.”